
Closure of San Jose Campus and Divestment or Closure of La Campus

Following a strategic review of its North American operations, SAE Institute has announced the consolidation of its Northern California campuses into one location at Emeryville.

As a result, SAE Institute will close its San Jose campus, which is a small branch campus of SAE Expression College, by December 2018. While no further enrollments will be accepted at SAE San Jose, all current students will be fully supported to complete their studies either on campus, at Emeryville or with an alternative education provider.

We will also be divesting or closing the SAE Institute Los Angeles campus, which is a relatively small campus offering one creative media diploma program. No enrollments will be accepted while we explore divestment options. Current students at SAE Institute Los Angeles will also be supported to successfully complete their studies irrespective of the decision to divest or close.

SAE Institute’s parent company, Navitas, has also announced the broader potential divestment of its US colleges. Should Navitas proceed with divestment, the focus will be on attracting a reputable buyer with greatest potential to capitalize on the strong foundations that SAE Institute has established in the US.

There is no immediate impact of this announcement on staff or students at campuses other than San Jose and Los Angeles.

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